# Based on https://github.com/aBARICHELLO/godot-ci/blob/master/.github/workflows/godot-ci.yml name: GFOLF - itch.io publish action run-name: ${{ gitea.actor }} is publishing GFOLF ${{ gitea.ref_name }} to itch.io. on: push: branches: - ci-test tags: - v* env: GODOT_VERSION: 4.3 EXPORT_NAME: gfolf PROJECT_PATH: . jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 container: image: barichello/godot-ci:4.3 strategy: matrix: include: - target: linux64 ext: x86_64 - target: osx ext: app - target: win64 ext: exe env: BUILD_DIR: build/gfolf_${{ gitea.ref_name }}_${{ matrix.target }} steps: - name: Checkout repository run: | git init git remote add origin ${{ gitea.event.repository.clone_url }} git fetch --depth 1 origin ${{ gitea.ref }} git checkout FETCH_HEAD git lfs pull - name: Reimport assets # bruh are you fucking kidding me. bruhh run: timeout 10 godot --headless --import || true - name: Build project run: | echo "building to $BUILD_DIR" mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR godot --headless --export-debug ${{ matrix.target }} $BUILD_DIR/gfolf.${{ matrix.ext }} - name: Publish run: | echo "pushing $BUILD_DIR" butler push $BUILD_DIR tetramorph/gfolf:${{ matrix.target }} --userversion ${{ gitea.ref_name }} env: BUTLER_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.BUTLER_API_KEY }}