@tool @icon("../../icons/selector_reactive.svg") class_name SelectorReactiveComposite extends Composite ## Selector Reactive nodes will attempt to execute each of its children until one of ## them return `SUCCESS`. If all children return `FAILURE`, this node will also ## return `FAILURE`. ## If a child returns `RUNNING` it will restart. func tick(actor: Node, blackboard: Blackboard) -> int: for c in get_children(): if c != running_child: c.before_run(actor, blackboard) var response = c.tick(actor, blackboard) if can_send_message(blackboard): BeehaveDebuggerMessages.process_tick(c.get_instance_id(), response) if c is ConditionLeaf: blackboard.set_value("last_condition", c, str(actor.get_instance_id())) blackboard.set_value("last_condition_status", response, str(actor.get_instance_id())) match response: SUCCESS: # Interrupt any child that was RUNNING before. if c != running_child: interrupt(actor, blackboard) c.after_run(actor, blackboard) return SUCCESS FAILURE: c.after_run(actor, blackboard) RUNNING: if c != running_child: interrupt(actor, blackboard) running_child = c if c is ActionLeaf: blackboard.set_value("running_action", c, str(actor.get_instance_id())) return RUNNING return FAILURE func get_class_name() -> Array[StringName]: var classes := super() classes.push_back(&"SelectorReactiveComposite") return classes