class_name TreeNode extends RefCounted # Based on const SIBLING_DISTANCE: float = 20.0 const LEVEL_DISTANCE: float = 40.0 const BeehaveUtils := preload("res://addons/beehave/utils/") var x: float var y: float var mod: float var parent: TreeNode var children: Array[TreeNode] var item: GraphNode func _init(p_item: GraphNode = null, p_parent: TreeNode = null) -> void: parent = p_parent item = p_item func is_leaf() -> bool: return children.is_empty() func is_most_left() -> bool: if not parent: return true return parent.children.front() == self func is_most_right() -> bool: if not parent: return true return parent.children.back() == self func get_previous_sibling() -> TreeNode: if not parent or is_most_left(): return null return parent.children[parent.children.find(self) - 1] func get_next_sibling() -> TreeNode: if not parent or is_most_right(): return null return parent.children[parent.children.find(self) + 1] func get_most_left_sibling() -> TreeNode: if not parent: return null if is_most_left(): return self return parent.children.front() func get_most_left_child() -> TreeNode: if children.is_empty(): return null return children.front() func get_most_right_child() -> TreeNode: if children.is_empty(): return null return children.back() func update_positions(horizontally: bool = false) -> void: _initialize_nodes(self, 0) _calculate_initial_x(self) _check_all_children_on_screen(self) _calculate_final_positions(self, 0) if horizontally: _swap_x_y(self) _calculate_x(self, 0) else: _calculate_y(self, 0) func _initialize_nodes(node: TreeNode, depth: int) -> void: node.x = -1 node.y = depth node.mod = 0 for child in node.children: _initialize_nodes(child, depth + 1) func _calculate_initial_x(node: TreeNode) -> void: for child in node.children: _calculate_initial_x(child) if node.is_leaf(): if not node.is_most_left(): node.x = ( node.get_previous_sibling().x + node.get_previous_sibling().item.layout_size + SIBLING_DISTANCE ) else: node.x = 0 else: var mid: float if node.children.size() == 1: var offset: float = (node.children.front().item.layout_size - node.item.layout_size) / 2 mid = node.children.front().x + offset else: var left_child := node.get_most_left_child() var right_child := node.get_most_right_child() mid = ( ( left_child.x + right_child.x + right_child.item.layout_size - node.item.layout_size ) / 2 ) if node.is_most_left(): node.x = mid else: node.x = ( node.get_previous_sibling().x + node.get_previous_sibling().item.layout_size + SIBLING_DISTANCE ) node.mod = node.x - mid if not node.is_leaf() and not node.is_most_left(): _check_for_conflicts(node) func _calculate_final_positions(node: TreeNode, mod_sum: float) -> void: node.x += mod_sum mod_sum += node.mod for child in node.children: _calculate_final_positions(child, mod_sum) func _check_all_children_on_screen(node: TreeNode) -> void: var node_contour: Dictionary = {} _get_left_contour(node, 0, node_contour) var shift_amount: float = 0 for y in node_contour.keys(): if node_contour[y] + shift_amount < 0: shift_amount = (node_contour[y] * -1) if shift_amount > 0: node.x += shift_amount node.mod += shift_amount func _check_for_conflicts(node: TreeNode) -> void: var min_distance := SIBLING_DISTANCE var shift_value: float = 0 var shift_sibling: TreeNode = null var node_contour: Dictionary = {} # { int, float } _get_left_contour(node, 0, node_contour) var sibling := node.get_most_left_sibling() while sibling != null and sibling != node: var sibling_contour: Dictionary = {} _get_right_contour(sibling, 0, sibling_contour) for level in range( node.y + 1, min(sibling_contour.keys().max(), node_contour.keys().max()) + 1 ): var distance: float = node_contour[level] - sibling_contour[level] if distance + shift_value < min_distance: shift_value = min_distance - distance shift_sibling = sibling sibling = sibling.get_next_sibling() if shift_value > 0: node.x += shift_value node.mod += shift_value _center_nodes_between(shift_sibling, node) func _center_nodes_between(left_node: TreeNode, right_node: TreeNode) -> void: var left_index := left_node.parent.children.find(left_node) var right_index := left_node.parent.children.find(right_node) var num_nodes_between: int = (right_index - left_index) - 1 if num_nodes_between > 0: # The extra distance that needs to be split into num_nodes_between + 1 # in order to find the new node spacing so that nodes are equally spaced var distance_to_allocate: float = right_node.x - left_node.x - left_node.item.layout_size # Subtract sizes on nodes in between for i in range(left_index + 1, right_index): distance_to_allocate -= left_node.parent.children[i].item.layout_size # Divide space equally var distance_between_nodes: float = distance_to_allocate / (num_nodes_between + 1) var prev_node := left_node var middle_node := left_node.get_next_sibling() while middle_node != right_node: var desire_x: float = prev_node.x + prev_node.item.layout_size + distance_between_nodes var offset := desire_x - middle_node.x middle_node.x += offset middle_node.mod += offset prev_node = middle_node middle_node = middle_node.get_next_sibling() func _get_left_contour(node: TreeNode, mod_sum: float, values: Dictionary) -> void: var node_left: float = node.x + mod_sum var depth := int(node.y) if not values.has(depth): values[depth] = node_left else: values[depth] = min(values[depth], node_left) mod_sum += node.mod for child in node.children: _get_left_contour(child, mod_sum, values) func _get_right_contour(node: TreeNode, mod_sum: float, values: Dictionary) -> void: var node_right: float = node.x + mod_sum + node.item.layout_size var depth := int(node.y) if not values.has(depth): values[depth] = node_right else: values[depth] = max(values[depth], node_right) mod_sum += node.mod for child in node.children: _get_right_contour(child, mod_sum, values) func _swap_x_y(node: TreeNode) -> void: for child in node.children: _swap_x_y(child) var temp := node.x node.x = node.y node.y = temp func _calculate_x(node: TreeNode, offset: int) -> void: node.x = offset var sibling := node.get_most_left_sibling() var max_size: int = node.item.size.x while sibling != null: max_size = max(sibling.item.size.x, max_size) sibling = sibling.get_next_sibling() for child in node.children: _calculate_x(child, max_size + offset + LEVEL_DISTANCE * BeehaveUtils.get_editor_scale()) func _calculate_y(node: TreeNode, offset: int) -> void: node.y = offset var sibling := node.get_most_left_sibling() var max_size: int = node.item.size.y while sibling != null: max_size = max(sibling.item.size.y, max_size) sibling = sibling.get_next_sibling() for child in node.children: _calculate_y(child, max_size + offset + LEVEL_DISTANCE * BeehaveUtils.get_editor_scale())