basic_game #1

krampus merged 50 commits from basic_game into main 2024-07-31 19:38:41 +00:00
2 changed files with 53 additions and 30 deletions
Showing only changes of commit c5e69624b3 - Show all commits

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@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=24 format=3 uid="uid://drbiyuustse8b"] [gd_scene load_steps=19 format=3 uid="uid://drbiyuustse8b"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bqp5mwyat3asv" path="res://src/player/player.tscn" id="1_tgee4"] [ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bqp5mwyat3asv" path="res://src/player/player.tscn" id="1_tgee4"]
[ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://7a1uvst7oef2" path="res://assets/textures/metal_plate_1k/metal_plate.tres" id="2_ewgwm"] [ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://7a1uvst7oef2" path="res://assets/textures/metal_plate_1k/metal_plate.tres" id="2_ewgwm"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://csbbhpwfxa6vi" path="res://assets/textures/Metal009_2K-PNG/Metal009_2K-PNG_Color.png" id="2_mbl6s"]
[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://src/shaders/sunny_sky.gdshader" id="2_x74tl"] [ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://src/shaders/sunny_sky.gdshader" id="2_x74tl"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://c4cwawfg0jbdp" path="res://assets/textures/Metal009_2K-PNG/Metal009_2K-PNG_Displacement.png" id="3_gnc2t"] [ext_resource type="Material" uid="uid://dsc0g1qafw80e" path="res://src/maps/arena_map/metal_09.tres" id="3_jqqt6"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://hme2odj58vo3" path="res://assets/textures/Metal009_2K-PNG/Metal009_2K-PNG_Metalness.png" id="4_1m41q"]
[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://src/shaders/spatial_threshold.gdshader" id="5_oegrt"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b63g40daehul" path="res://assets/textures/Metal009_2K-PNG/Metal009_2K-PNG_NormalGL.png" id="5_sunj5"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bjhtlrh1hij8x" path="res://assets/textures/Metal009_2K-PNG/Metal009_2K-PNG_Roughness.png" id="6_4tuln"]
[sub_resource type="FastNoiseLite" id="FastNoiseLite_6sfce"] [sub_resource type="FastNoiseLite" id="FastNoiseLite_6sfce"]
seed = 2 seed = 2
@ -38,36 +33,22 @@ background_mode = 2
background_energy_multiplier = 2.0 background_energy_multiplier = 2.0
sky = SubResource("Sky_7lp20") sky = SubResource("Sky_7lp20")
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_1hfra"]
render_priority = 0
shader = ExtResource("5_oegrt")
shader_parameter/color_low = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
shader_parameter/color_hi = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/threshold = 0.058
shader_parameter/contrast = 1.0
shader_parameter/offset = 0.0
[sub_resource type="StandardMaterial3D" id="StandardMaterial3D_8p8y8"]
next_pass = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_1hfra")
albedo_texture = ExtResource("2_mbl6s")
metallic = 1.0
metallic_texture = ExtResource("4_1m41q")
roughness_texture = ExtResource("6_4tuln")
normal_enabled = true
normal_texture = ExtResource("5_sunj5")
heightmap_enabled = true
heightmap_scale = 1.0
heightmap_texture = ExtResource("3_gnc2t")
uv1_scale = Vector3(20, 20, 20)
[sub_resource type="CylinderMesh" id="CylinderMesh_uarav"] [sub_resource type="CylinderMesh" id="CylinderMesh_uarav"]
material = SubResource("StandardMaterial3D_8p8y8") material = ExtResource("3_jqqt6")
top_radius = 50.0 top_radius = 50.0
bottom_radius = 50.0 bottom_radius = 50.0
[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_pxre0"] [sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_pxre0"]
points = PackedVector3Array(0, -1, -50, -4.90407, -1, -49.7651, 0, 1, -50, 4.89428, -1, -49.7651, -4.90407, 1, -49.7651, -9.7592, -1, -49.0407, 4.89428, 1, -49.7651, 9.74941, -1, -49.0407, -9.7592, 1, -49.0407, -14.5164, -1, -47.8563, 9.74941, 1, -49.0407, 14.5067, -1, -47.8563, -14.5164, 1, -47.8563, -19.1366, -1, -46.202, 14.5067, 1, -47.8563, 19.1269, -1, -46.202, -19.1366, 1, -46.202, -23.5709, -1, -44.0975, 19.1269, 1, -46.202, 23.5611, -1, -44.0975, -23.5709, 1, -44.0975, -27.78, -1, -41.5818, 23.5611, 1, -44.0975, 27.7702, -1, -41.5818, -27.78, 1, -41.5818, -31.7247, -1, -38.6551, 27.7702, 1, -41.5818, 31.715, -1, -38.6551, -31.7247, 1, -38.6551, -35.3563, -1, -35.3563, 31.715, 1, -38.6551, 35.3465, -1, -35.3563, -35.3563, 1, -35.3563, -38.6551, -1, -31.7247, 35.3465, 1, -35.3563, 38.6453, -1, -31.7247, -38.6551, 1, -31.7247, -41.5818, -1, -27.78, 38.6453, 1, -31.7247, 41.572, -1, -27.78, -41.5818, 1, -27.78, -44.0975, -1, -23.5709, 41.572, 1, -27.78, 44.0877, -1, -23.5709, -44.0975, 1, -23.5709, -46.202, -1, -19.1366, 44.0877, 1, -23.5709, 46.1923, -1, -19.1366, -46.202, 1, -19.1366, -47.8563, -1, -14.5164, 46.1923, 1, -19.1366, 47.8465, -1, -14.5164, -47.8563, 1, -14.5164, -49.0407, -1, -9.7592, 47.8465, 1, -14.5164, 49.0309, -1, -9.7592, -49.0407, 1, -9.7592, -49.7651, -1, -4.90407, 49.0309, 1, -9.7592, 49.7553, -1, -4.90407, -49.7651, 1, -4.90407, -50, -1, 0, 49.7553, 1, -4.90407, 50, -1, 0, -50, 1, 0, -49.7651, -1, 4.89428, 50, 1, 0, 49.7553, -1, 4.89428, -49.7651, 1, 4.89428, -49.0407, -1, 9.74941, 49.7553, 1, 4.89428, 49.0309, -1, 9.74941, -49.0407, 1, 9.74941, -47.8563, -1, 14.5067, 49.0309, 1, 9.74941, 47.8465, -1, 14.5067, -47.8563, 1, 14.5067, -46.202, -1, 19.1269, 47.8465, 1, 14.5067, 46.1923, -1, 19.1269, -46.202, 1, 19.1269, -44.0975, -1, 23.5611, 46.1923, 1, 19.1269, 44.0877, -1, 23.5611, -44.0975, 1, 23.5611, -41.5818, -1, 27.7702, 44.0877, 1, 23.5611, 41.572, -1, 27.7702, -41.5818, 1, 27.7702, -38.6551, -1, 31.715, 41.572, 1, 27.7702, 38.6453, -1, 31.715, -38.6551, 1, 31.715, -35.3563, -1, 35.3465, 38.6453, 1, 31.715, 35.3465, -1, 35.3465, -35.3563, 1, 35.3465, -31.7247, -1, 38.6453, 35.3465, 1, 35.3465, 31.715, -1, 38.6453, -31.7247, 1, 38.6453, -27.78, -1, 41.572, 31.715, 1, 38.6453, 27.7702, -1, 41.572, -27.78, 1, 41.572, -23.5709, -1, 44.0877, 27.7702, 1, 41.572, 23.5611, -1, 44.0877, -23.5709, 1, 44.0877, -19.1366, -1, 46.1923, 23.5611, 1, 44.0877, 19.1269, -1, 46.1923, -19.1366, 1, 46.1923, -14.5164, -1, 47.8465, 19.1269, 1, 46.1923, 14.5067, -1, 47.8465, -14.5164, 1, 47.8465, -9.7592, -1, 49.0309, 14.5067, 1, 47.8465, 9.74941, -1, 49.0309, -9.7592, 1, 49.0309, -4.90407, -1, 49.7553, 9.74941, 1, 49.0309, 4.89428, -1, 49.7553, -4.90407, 1, 49.7553, 0, -1, 50, 4.89428, 1, 49.7553, 0, 1, 50) points = PackedVector3Array(0, -1, -50, -4.90407, -1, -49.7651, 0, 1, -50, 4.89428, -1, -49.7651, -4.90407, 1, -49.7651, -9.7592, -1, -49.0407, 4.89428, 1, -49.7651, 9.74941, -1, -49.0407, -9.7592, 1, -49.0407, -14.5164, -1, -47.8563, 9.74941, 1, -49.0407, 14.5067, -1, -47.8563, -14.5164, 1, -47.8563, -19.1366, -1, -46.202, 14.5067, 1, -47.8563, 19.1269, -1, -46.202, -19.1366, 1, -46.202, -23.5709, -1, -44.0975, 19.1269, 1, -46.202, 23.5611, -1, -44.0975, -23.5709, 1, -44.0975, -27.78, -1, -41.5818, 23.5611, 1, -44.0975, 27.7702, -1, -41.5818, -27.78, 1, -41.5818, -31.7247, -1, -38.6551, 27.7702, 1, -41.5818, 31.715, -1, -38.6551, -31.7247, 1, -38.6551, -35.3563, -1, -35.3563, 31.715, 1, -38.6551, 35.3465, -1, -35.3563, -35.3563, 1, -35.3563, -38.6551, -1, -31.7247, 35.3465, 1, -35.3563, 38.6453, -1, -31.7247, -38.6551, 1, -31.7247, -41.5818, -1, -27.78, 38.6453, 1, -31.7247, 41.572, -1, -27.78, -41.5818, 1, -27.78, -44.0975, -1, -23.5709, 41.572, 1, -27.78, 44.0877, -1, -23.5709, -44.0975, 1, -23.5709, -46.202, -1, -19.1366, 44.0877, 1, -23.5709, 46.1923, -1, -19.1366, -46.202, 1, -19.1366, -47.8563, -1, -14.5164, 46.1923, 1, -19.1366, 47.8465, -1, -14.5164, -47.8563, 1, -14.5164, -49.0407, -1, -9.7592, 47.8465, 1, -14.5164, 49.0309, -1, -9.7592, -49.0407, 1, -9.7592, -49.7651, -1, -4.90407, 49.0309, 1, -9.7592, 49.7553, -1, -4.90407, -49.7651, 1, -4.90407, -50, -1, 0, 49.7553, 1, -4.90407, 50, -1, 0, -50, 1, 0, -49.7651, -1, 4.89428, 50, 1, 0, 49.7553, -1, 4.89428, -49.7651, 1, 4.89428, -49.0407, -1, 9.74941, 49.7553, 1, 4.89428, 49.0309, -1, 9.74941, -49.0407, 1, 9.74941, -47.8563, -1, 14.5067, 49.0309, 1, 9.74941, 47.8465, -1, 14.5067, -47.8563, 1, 14.5067, -46.202, -1, 19.1269, 47.8465, 1, 14.5067, 46.1923, -1, 19.1269, -46.202, 1, 19.1269, -44.0975, -1, 23.5611, 46.1923, 1, 19.1269, 44.0877, -1, 23.5611, -44.0975, 1, 23.5611, -41.5818, -1, 27.7702, 44.0877, 1, 23.5611, 41.572, -1, 27.7702, -41.5818, 1, 27.7702, -38.6551, -1, 31.715, 41.572, 1, 27.7702, 38.6453, -1, 31.715, -38.6551, 1, 31.715, -35.3563, -1, 35.3465, 38.6453, 1, 31.715, 35.3465, -1, 35.3465, -35.3563, 1, 35.3465, -31.7247, -1, 38.6453, 35.3465, 1, 35.3465, 31.715, -1, 38.6453, -31.7247, 1, 38.6453, -27.78, -1, 41.572, 31.715, 1, 38.6453, 27.7702, -1, 41.572, -27.78, 1, 41.572, -23.5709, -1, 44.0877, 27.7702, 1, 41.572, 23.5611, -1, 44.0877, -23.5709, 1, 44.0877, -19.1366, -1, 46.1923, 23.5611, 1, 44.0877, 19.1269, -1, 46.1923, -19.1366, 1, 46.1923, -14.5164, -1, 47.8465, 19.1269, 1, 46.1923, 14.5067, -1, 47.8465, -14.5164, 1, 47.8465, -9.7592, -1, 49.0309, 14.5067, 1, 47.8465, 9.74941, -1, 49.0309, -9.7592, 1, 49.0309, -4.90407, -1, 49.7553, 9.74941, 1, 49.0309, 4.89428, -1, 49.7553, -4.90407, 1, 49.7553, 0, -1, 50, 4.89428, 1, 49.7553, 0, 1, 50)
[sub_resource type="CylinderMesh" id="CylinderMesh_jjkoa"]
material = ExtResource("3_jqqt6")
top_radius = 70.0
bottom_radius = 70.0
[sub_resource type="CylinderShape3D" id="CylinderShape3D_moqbh"]
radius = 70.0
[sub_resource type="CylinderMesh" id="CylinderMesh_pfp3p"] [sub_resource type="CylinderMesh" id="CylinderMesh_pfp3p"]
lightmap_size_hint = Vector2i(17, 19) lightmap_size_hint = Vector2i(17, 19)
material = ExtResource("2_ewgwm") material = ExtResource("2_ewgwm")
@ -145,6 +126,18 @@ transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0)
shape = SubResource("ConvexPolygonShape3D_pxre0") shape = SubResource("ConvexPolygonShape3D_pxre0")
[node name="FloorLower" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="WorldGeometry"]
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -6, 0)
mesh = SubResource("CylinderMesh_jjkoa")
skeleton = NodePath("StaticBody3D")
[node name="StaticBody3D" type="StaticBody3D" parent="WorldGeometry/FloorLower"]
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
[node name="CollisionShape3D" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="WorldGeometry/FloorLower/StaticBody3D"]
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0)
shape = SubResource("CylinderShape3D_moqbh")
[node name="Pillar1" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="WorldGeometry"] [node name="Pillar1" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="WorldGeometry"]
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 1, 10) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 1, 10)
mesh = SubResource("CylinderMesh_pfp3p") mesh = SubResource("CylinderMesh_pfp3p")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
[gd_resource type="StandardMaterial3D" load_steps=8 format=3 uid="uid://dsc0g1qafw80e"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://csbbhpwfxa6vi" path="res://assets/textures/Metal009_2K-PNG/Metal009_2K-PNG_Color.png" id="1_cqrae"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://c4cwawfg0jbdp" path="res://assets/textures/Metal009_2K-PNG/Metal009_2K-PNG_Displacement.png" id="2_x0m2y"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://hme2odj58vo3" path="res://assets/textures/Metal009_2K-PNG/Metal009_2K-PNG_Metalness.png" id="3_elunr"]
[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://src/shaders/spatial_threshold.gdshader" id="4_k6wow"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b63g40daehul" path="res://assets/textures/Metal009_2K-PNG/Metal009_2K-PNG_NormalGL.png" id="5_8bw2a"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bjhtlrh1hij8x" path="res://assets/textures/Metal009_2K-PNG/Metal009_2K-PNG_Roughness.png" id="6_u6muq"]
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_1hfra"]
render_priority = 0
shader = ExtResource("4_k6wow")
shader_parameter/color_low = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
shader_parameter/color_hi = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/threshold = 0.058
shader_parameter/contrast = 1.0
shader_parameter/offset = 0.0
next_pass = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_1hfra")
albedo_texture = ExtResource("1_cqrae")
metallic = 1.0
metallic_texture = ExtResource("3_elunr")
roughness_texture = ExtResource("6_u6muq")
normal_enabled = true
normal_texture = ExtResource("5_8bw2a")
heightmap_enabled = true
heightmap_scale = 1.0
heightmap_texture = ExtResource("2_x0m2y")
uv1_scale = Vector3(20, 20, 20)